[CQ-Contest] Annual Suggestion

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Mon Feb 19 15:45:50 EST 2007

<annual suggestion>

After reading many "I couldn't operate more than 30, 35 or 40 hours" type comments in 3830 posts, it's that time again for my Annual Suggestion to add a "36 out of 48 Hours" category (or something like that) to the ARRL DX Contest for those of us in the Geriatric Generation.

I appreciated the past supportive comments of AL, D4B/4L5A, and others who also believe that such a Category might actually increase activity.  OF's who aren't willing to make a serious effort or sacrifice their health knowing they can't (or won't) be able to do the entire 48 hours are more likely to go like proverbial bats-out-of-h*ll for 36 hours in the chance to competitively win something.

</annual suggestion>


Rick, K6VVA

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