[CQ-Contest] Dx peditions and contests

Art RX9TX rx9tx at qrz.ru
Sat Feb 21 10:55:56 EST 2009

 PA5KT wrote:

> I really hope K5D will stay away from cw during the ARRL DX coming
> weekend, having a large split frequency operation will cause a lot of
> troubles during a major contest like the arrl dx. It will also make
> large portions of the band unusable, which is a problem on 160 and 40.
> Henk PA5KT

What  a  bad  idea!  Unforgiveable waste of chances to work polar path
stations  on low bands. K5D could work CW on SSB portions of 40 and 80
and give highly desired QSOs to stations from zones 17 an 18.


"You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone." [Al Capone]      

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