[CQ-Contest] Budgeting and planning for a young contest station
Timothy Coker
n6win73 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 18:17:18 PDT 2010
Hi, I'd like to ask you your opinion on my working conditions and where to
go from here. I am just getting back into contesting after being off the air
for the past 8 years.
I am attenuated into Europe due to my physical proximity to some close
mountain peaks, but otherwise I have a good shot to all directions.
Currently I have a FT2000, SB220 and SB221 (backup amp), manually switched
to a TH7DX, Cushcraft D40 (downsized from a XM240 due to my current mast
limitation), and 80m double bazooka using 9913F7 coax. I brought my computer
to my shack and use Writelog for contesting and HRD for everyday DXing.
Currently the aforementioned antennas are on top of 29' of Rohn 25G (along
with an A3WS w/30m) with the top antenna at 35'.
My goals in ham radio are to make #1 DXCC Honor Roll, stay #1 in San
Bernardino in the California QSO Party, win my section in Sweepstakes each
year, add heavily to the SCCC team's score in the NAQP's, and have fun
without worry of placing in the DX contests (I like to challenge myself to
do WAZ in one weekend, work DXCC within 24 hours, etc).
During the summer of 2011 I will be installing the LM 354HD with a TH7DX,
A3WS w/30m, and XM240 going from the thrust bearing up 20' on the mast. The
80m double bazooka will be at the top of the top section as an inverted-v. I
will not have 160m here.
The tower has been determined to be my next step in order to gain additional
height for all bands and be able to upgrade my current mast to hold my XM240
at the top.
My question now becomes, how should I prioritize my sub-projects with my
above goals in mind? I am turning to other contesters in the area for their
opinions. I lack experience and realize you have many years of learned
lessons that you might apply towards helping me take timely steps towards
doing well.
Here are the sub-project groups that I have identified that I want to do for
my contesting:
A.) *Automate antenna switching* using Array Solutions Eightpak and
Bandmaster II.
B.) *Automate rotator by upgrading* T2X with Green Heron RT-21 control box.
C.) *Upgrade to SO2R* by purchasing FT-950, two sets of W3NQN FilterMax II,
another Bandmaster II, (already have Array Solutions SO2R Master). I might
get a 20m monoband GAP vertical dipole if I don’t already have the C31
D.) *Upgrade to C31XR* with separate feed lines for SO2R and upgrade T2X to
M2 Orion rotator. (This should be done with the tower or after)
E.) *Upgrade amplifiers* to auto-tuned ACOM’s or Alpha’s (when I win the
With my above goals in mind, which sub-project would you tackle first? I’m
honestly stumped. Should I improve my automation to relieve errors during
band changes with the antenna switching? Should I instead just point and
shoot my rotator to a new heading via software or one touch of the Green
Heron and keep my hands on my radio/keyboard/paddle? Or maybe SO2R with
manual switches/rotator is going to give me the edge of more multipliers,
but not really be useful during normal DX chasing?
I wish I could do the above all at once, but reality does have its place.
What are your thoughts? Is there a clear path of succession here, or simply
a couple must dos followed by some that would be “nice” but not essential?
Thanks for your input, it is much appreciated!
Tim Coker, N6WIN.
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