[CQ-Contest] NS Ladder NAQP Practices

Bill Haddon haddon.bill at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 14:52:15 PDT 2010

We've just begun the Summer NS Ladder series, NSL-9. There are 8 weeks left
(of the ten week series) including tomorrow night's session.
Over 70 stations participated in Wk 2 of NSL-9.  We hope you will join us.
(see below for details)

Thursday night in NA: (Friday UTC 0230-0300Z)
20-160m  CW  (160 mtr freq around 1815; other bands 35-45 KHz up)
100 watt power limit
No same band dupes
Please SPREAD out!

Mike, W9RE's Slow NS (SNS) precedes the NS ladder by 30 minutes
(at 0200Z) with reduced operating speed of 18-26 wpm on 20, 40 and 80m.

NAQP Practices, sponsored by NCCC:

Thursday 15 min after NS Ladder i.e. 0315-0345Z
NCCC Contest Net at 0345Z on 3610

Friday NAQP Practice:  Earlier at 0200Z

Hints for N1MM users from Ken N6RO (my Thursday Night Contesting
"For SO2R's:
The operating strategies and logger message set-up are quite different
between Sprints and
NAQP, so I think two practices are needed for the 'serious' contingent. N1MM
quite tricky  on the SO2R messages!

We'll have the 3610 net following both practices:  0345 Thur., 0230Z Fri.
(that's a change from usual 03 on Thursdays.)
Software discussions might be useful here."73 Bill n6zfo
NS Ladder Contest Director

NS Ladder Details:

AWARDS of CA wine by drawing with participation in 5 of 10 ladder events to

Score reports to ttp://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

Full details:  http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html
<http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html%A0> and

Schedule for remaining sessions at:  http://www.ncccsprint.com/next_ns.html
and on the WA7BNM contest calendar.

Questions to n6zfo at arrl.net

73 Bill n6zfo
Contest Director for NCCC Sprint Ladder

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