[CQ-Contest] Spots and Success in the WRTC - a little data for discussion

Joe nss at mwt.net
Mon Jul 19 15:32:20 PDT 2010

How about if the charaters remain the same speed,  but they are spaced 
farther apart,

slower WPM,  yet the charaters are the same.  would that effect  these 

Ive done that many times when someone wanted a repeat,  I'd leave the 
charaters the same speed  but add extra time inbetween them.


The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme

On 7/19/2010 9:46 AM, Pete Smith wrote:
> One likely explanation, which Steve and a couple of others have posited,
> is that Skimmer doesn't "like" significant change in speed between CQ,
> TEST or QRZ and the callsign - my guess is that it thinks the faster or
> slower characters are coming from someone else, who just happened to get
> on frequency within 50 Hz.  Perhaps unless/until Alex finds a way to
> improve that, it will be an incentive for people not to indulge in this
> ridiculous practice of speed shifting within a CQ, or, indeed, anywhere
> in a contest QSO
> 73, Pete N4ZR

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