[CQ-Contest] The King (Packet cluster network) is dead! Long live the

S56A s56a at bit.si
Wed Jul 28 14:52:28 PDT 2010

CT1BOH wrote: With Skimmer reverse beacon network, spotting will rely on 
robots. Everybody will be spotted about the same for same conditions. It's 
democracy into packet spots.

Jose, I am afraid I am geting old as I must agree with you 100 % :-)  I am 
glad your opinion is so different from N6TJ.

Great stimulation for my further CW Expert robot development.  We got GHz 
computers to deal with RBN data flows.

K5ZD comment to me at WRTC: I liked radio contesting as mults search game 
but it is becoming shooting one!

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU

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