[CQ-Contest] Club/Group competition 275 km radius in CQ Contest (petition for change).

Phil VK4BAA philhss at tesco.net
Thu Apr 7 21:09:07 PDT 2011


Here in VK, the land mass is large but the ham population is small. Hence, the VKCC (VK Contest Club) is spread across the whole country - which is a little bit larger than 275km. You'd be unlikely to find more than a handful of hams within your suggested radius unfortunately.

There are all manner of clubs that are spread over even larger distances - some within amateur radio circles too..... the 10-10 club or the First Class Operators Club for example...?



---- Joe <nss at mwt.net> wrote: 
> I'm probably going to be in the minority on this as  I have been on most 
> other topics like this.
> But I think in exactly the opposite direction. I feel the circle is ten 
> times TOO BIG right now!  I do not feel that two people over 500 miles 
> apart are in the same club.
> A club is a group of people that often meet Like at a monthly meeting.  
> An organization yes can have members 1000's of miles apart.  But a club 
> is a "Local" thing.  A Club is something you would be willing to drive 
> to a meeting once a month to actually meet the other members of the club.
> I don't know many clubs that have members driving 200+ miles to go to a 
> monthly meeting.
> I'd like the circle to be actually reduced to like a 25 mile radius.  
> Thats a "Club" sized circle.
> If ya want more members in your club get more in the club. simple.
> But I'll put my flame suit on now.
> Joe WB9SBD
> The Original Rolling Ball Clock
> Idle Tyme
> Idle-Tyme.com
> http://www.idle-tyme.com
> On 4/6/2011 4:16 PM, Martin Monsalvo, LU5DX wrote:
> > Hi guys.
> >
> > We started a petition to ask the organizers of CQ Contest to review the 275
> > Km radius rule (Club/Group) competition.
> > We have been allowed by the organizers to submit our contest scores to our
> > clubs/groups for eleven years now, but we really feel it is time for a
> > change.
> >
> > This rule was originally written back in 1948 when these competitions
> > started and certainly the wording took into account the situation of the US
> > based Clubs.
> >
> > There are countries outside USA and Europe where the territory is really
> > vast and the ham population is very little. Our members feel encouraged to
> > enter contests even if it is ocassionally if they are allowed to submit
> > their scores to our Club/Groups, and we really believe that being these
> > competitions world wide events, the situation of other regions needs to be
> > considered.
> >
> > There are several options e.g.:
> > Remove the geographic limitation completely, thus, allowing members of each
> > Club to submit their scores to their club, no matter if they have moved
> > temporarily or permanently.
> > Keep this geographic limitation as it is for the US and Western Europe
> > countries and remove it for the rest of the world, and so on.
> >
> > If you feel like signing the petition you can do so at:
> > http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/275km/
> >
> > Thanks in advance for getting involved.
> >
> >
> > Regards!
> >
> >
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