[CQ-Contest] Fw: [RRDXA] E73M - I have cheated

Bob Naumann W5OV at W5OV.COM
Mon Aug 22 04:37:37 PDT 2011


While I am certain that the ARRL told you that the internal CT licensing
issue you raised was something they could not do anything about, I am even
more certain that they did not tell you that "they couldn't care less".
I believe the "couldn't care less" is your biased interpretation of the fact
that the ARRL has no influence over Portuguese licensing issues.


Bob W5OV

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Francisco Costa,
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 4:31 PM
To: k5zd at charter.net; cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Fw: [RRDXA] E73M - I have cheated

Hi Randy

> The best way to help is to report your suspicions, or
> better, to provide evidence.  These "suspicions" are 
> very helpful to the sponsor in knowing where to look 
> for more information.

I respectfull desagree.
Some years ago I had the hard decision to complain 
about another CT station (due a violation of national 
issuing special calls rules). 
For the fisrt time I made a complain to a contest sponsor. 
I couldn't belive when I read the reply. They simply 
said that was an internal CT issue, and they couldn't 
care less. That was my 1st, only and last complain.
In case you are wondering, the contest sponsor was ARRL.

73 F.Costa, CT1EAT

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