[CQ-Contest] WRTC-2014 event scores for Russian DX Contest

Jukka Klemola jpklemola at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 08:13:38 PDT 2011

Dear CQ-Contest readers,

There have been writings about the new RDXC rule to submit the logs in 36
hours after contest end.

Please note, there is many days allowance for all the average Joes there to
send the logs.

And.. hey.. the allowance is weeks after the contest to get even all the
lazy-butts to submit their logs.

Jukka OH6LI

2011/3/16 Art R8TX <rx99tx at gmail.com>

>  Then  if  the  "top 3 rule" is not about you what all of the noise is
>  about?
> ...
> kgc> I'm sick to death of sponsors who tune their rules to "the top
> kgc> 3".
> kgc> 73, de Hans, K0HB/K7

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