[CQ-Contest] BOGUS RATES: Pot calling the kettle black?

kr2q at optimum.net kr2q at optimum.net
Mon Nov 7 16:44:17 PST 2011

Are you kidding me?

By far,the biggest "fault," (if you want to use such a term) is on the part of the callers,
not the guy running the pileup.

How many guys, who are tuning across the band and run into a pileup, actually give the
call of the guy are calling?  5%?

Pileup guy:  Contest, 1M1A
Caller: KR2Q
Pileup guy: KR2Q 5941
KR2Q: 5905

Pileup guy: 1M1A
Caller: W5OV
Pileup guy: W5OV 5941
W5OV: 5904


I bet you dollars to donuts that for the VAST majority of contest pileups, THIS is how
it goes.  The guy running the pileup DOES send his call but 95% (maybe 99%) of the 
callers never send Pileup Guy's call back at him.

So if anything is "bogus" about the rates, it is due to the callers and not Pileup Guy.

de Doug KR2Q
Usual disclaimer:  The comments above are my own opinions and should not be construed
in any way as representative of any contest committee with which I may be associated.

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