[CQ-Contest] Cheating

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Sat Aug 4 11:41:54 PDT 2012

There was a fellow doing this in Ohio back in the late 70's / 
early-to-mid 80's. I participated there in a multi-operator contest one 
time. It was a real trip to use, but that box kept the operation 
strictly within the rules. I can't remember how we did the logging.

73, Mike W4EF............

On 8/4/2012 7:06 AM, Tom W8JI wrote:
> It is possible to actually interleave CW, so momentary word pauses allow a
> window for other transmitters. The multiple frequency recorded data needs to
> be in actual true time on all frequencies if we look for simultaneous
> transmissions.
> While I abandoned this idea for a while because of interface issues with
> computer logging software and operators, I had a box built that stored the
> CW and watched for three-dot or longer "word pauses". The box could "hold"
> CW coming in and insert short bursts in word pauses by increasing word
> space.
> Like this:
> 1 W8XX
> 2 k4aa
> 1 599
> 2 599
> 1 ga
> 2 ga
> 1 tu
> 2 agn?
> etc

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