[CQ-Contest] [FCG] CQ WW Rules and SCP

w5ov at w5ov.com w5ov at w5ov.com
Mon Jun 17 17:34:18 EDT 2013


Thanks for bringing this up and with the specifics you mention. These are
some very subtle and fine points, but I think the underlying foundational
issues are important to understand.

In the case of you making a typo in your log, but you worked the correct
call, making a note about fixing a typo is fine. Correcting a callsign
that you did not work is not.

The log should represent what happened on the air. As I mentioned, the SDR
can and will be used to make that judgement.

In the scenarios you cite, the corrections would be OK.  In both cases,
further interaction with the station DURING THE CONTEST was involved and
you made a correction based on that. Completely 100% OK.

What's the difference?

What I'm referring to a case where upon review of your log, you determine
you made a mistake. HG108DX! Heck no! I know HG109DX is on. What was I

What happens if you just change it?

You would be altering your log so that it showed the correct callsign but
you had never worked that correct callsign.

You both worked (i.e.; sent the busted call on the air) and logged
HG108DX. That QSO with you saying HG108DX is available on SDR and despite
the pleadings to correct it from HG109DX (which we might hear on the SDR),
and for whatever reason, you didn't hear his numerous attempts to get you
to correct the call, and HG108DX was what you said and what you logged.

This is a subtle thing, but you made a mistake and it's in the log. You
can't just un-do it.

Make sense?

-Bob W5OV

> I'm having a slight issue with one thing you've written Bob.  You wrote
> that it is "not OK to go back and correct this after the fact."  This
> seems at odds with what I have heard stations say for years: namely that
> if you make a change during the contest in in the minutes immediately
> after the contest, its OK.  Indeed, in WRTC, you're allowed 30 minutes
> to make corrections and to enter in any notes that you made during the
> contest.
> Two examples come to mind:
> in CQWW, you work HG108DX on one band but you entered the call into your
> log as HG109DX.  You work him three hours later on a different band yet
> your worked call history shows you have never worked HG108DX, but you
> KNOW you worked him.  A quick scan of partials indicates you purportedly
> worked HG109DX, but you know now this to be wrong.  My understanding is
> that you've always been able to make this correction during  the contest.
> In ARRL DX (from the W/VE side), you work GW4BLE and you enter 59 100 as
> his power.  Three hours later, you work GW4BLE and yo2u clearly hear him
> say 59 400 which conflicts with what you think he said earlier.  A
> verbal confirmation that 59 400 is correct and has been correct leads
> you to change what you entered in the first QSO.  Again, my
> understanding is that you've always been able to make this correction
> during the contest.
> 73 Rich NN3W
> On 6/17/2013 1:32 PM, w5ov at w5ov.com wrote:
>> I am curious how these scenarios are being read into rules that say
>> nothing about correcting typos or using SCP?
>> "Check Partial" or "Super Check Partial" doesn't ever "log" anything.
>> The
>> operator chooses a suggested callsign and then *HE* logs that, but it is
>> not CP or SCP doing the logging.
>> The rule is strictly on using *outside* means of analyzing and
>> correcting
>> your log. If *you* figure out that *you* made a typo, that's not what
>> this
>> rule is talking about - is it?
>> Even so, the rest of the pertinent section says:
>>       VIII.9 All logging must be performed in real time.
>>       VIII.10. Call signs logged must be the same as those exchanged
>>                over the air by the entrants during the QSO.
>> Q: How does that affect the above?
>> A: Let's say that you log and work K1ABZ during the contest. Later, you
>> somehow realize you should misheard his callsign and it should have been
>> K1ABC.  In this scenario, you said "K1ABZ" (Alpha Bravo Zulu) on the air
>> and logged K1ABZ. It is not OK to go back and correct this after the
>> fact.
>> You made an error - clearly. Fixing it after the fact does not undo the
>> error - does it?
>> One thing that is quite different is that with the advent of SDR, the
>> committee can hear virtually every qso that takes place.
>> W5OV
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