[CQ-Contest] CQWW Survey

brian coyne g4odv at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Mar 18 18:39:16 EDT 2013

Maybe some of the contributors have got carried away somewhat but it cannot be said that there has not been cause for some concern.

I completed the survey and answered the question re merging of classes and expressed my views. However I was puzzled as to the concept of even including such a question. Randy, or whoever, would know in advance the responses that would appear on this list.  Given that 10,000 guys have been mailed then it is true that is many, many more ops than those who will ever look at this list and seeking opinions from that 'broad church' would provide a wider reflection of opinion on the matter.

Having said that I do not believe that there are many serious contest operators who do not read this list and those ops that do  are the ones who matter, the ones who make the contests work and without them any contest will fade away.

I am horrified to think that any 'straw poll' such as this would carry any weight in such a game changing decision. As a SO I have no beef with those who prefer assistance but I do wish to compete in the traditional manner competing with my Peers. Take that away by lumping us all in together and I shall lose interest, maybe still taking part, or perhaps not, but with easy hours if I do, and it is my feeling that would be the attitude of very many present avid ops. Cheaters will still cheat whatever you do, they will
merely find new avenues to do so

73 Brian C4Z / 5NB4AIZ..

 From: "K1AR at aol.com" <K1AR at aol.com>
To: cq-contest at contesting.com 
Sent: Monday, 18 March 2013, 23:05
Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQWW Survey
To members of the Bruised Egos & Assisted Sucks Club,

A few facts:

1) The distribution of the CQWW survey did not include a devious strategy  
to exclude you. Randy used the WW email list from his received logs 
database.  Advice: Stop whining, get over yourself, take a breath and just answer 
the  #$*&%% survey if it still bothers you. Many, many thousands have been  
received so far. This channel feels like the Geritol Net at times. Any other  
check-ins? Call now...

2) It is a major leap of faith to assume a rules decision has already been  
made because someone asks a question in a single survey. After taking the  
recommended breath above, please take another one.

W2LC mentioned that very few new contesters read this site. Frankly, I  
don't blame them based on what I've been reading of late. It's just a  concept, 
but how about posting some useful information about contesting  -- maybe 
just once in a while?

73, John, K1AR
Your friendly co-moderator

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