[CQ-Contest] Thank you, and the mugs are taken

Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Mon May 6 23:06:37 EDT 2013

First -- I thank all who kindly commended my morals/honesty/integrity.  I
guess those of us who think this is the natural way to act will never
understand those who don't; and vice versa.  I recall quoting my son on
CQ-Contest in December 2006: "If you don't use your conscience regularly,
it won't work when you need it."

Second -- I thank those who said I am not a lid.  OK, busting "K9RS" into
"N9RS" in CW is just a brain freeze, and we all make dumb mistakes.  Even
K0DQ (NCJ for May/June 2013) mentions once missing an ARRL DX
Test multiplier record because he fat-fingered a power of "500" to "599".

But in SSB, my busted SB mult was one of 18(!) exchange errors and four
busted calls in only 499 QSOs.  And in the SB I can't figure out how I
busted CK "56" to "59" -- unless I was typing upside down.

I guess I'll settle for "He knows the code OK, but he can't copy phone."
But I've been saying that for years.

Third -- As I once said, "Yeah. yeah, the Sweep is not all that important
-- if you always get one
anyhow."  After blowing it in 2012, I'm still stuck at one (2010) in about
30 full efforts in CW (15 years, then 15 QRT, then 15 again).  I had gotten
haughty, thinking I had a double sweep in 2012.  (Haughty?  Why else had I
ordered TWO mugs.)  Figuring that I at last shown that I could get the
sweep, I had resolved that in 2013 (CW, anyhow) I would focus on QSO total
and not be lured by the sweep.  Now, I feel like have to redeem myself.
(But I will still be tuning for maximum fun.)

Fourth -- People stepped up to relieve me of the undeserved mugs,
the reminders of my errors.  I even had multiple requests after my SSB
posting.  Sorry I could not meet all requests.  Next year I'll try to put a
reminder on the Reflector(s) as the mug deadline approaches.

Fifth -- As I've said before of SS CW, "If we scored by having fun, I'd win
every time."  From my 3830 posting in 2003 (http://lists.contesting.com/

"So, a lot of outside stress, 4 hours of building to get four hours of SS
CW, physically and mentally exhausted, still have to take out the garbage
and wash the dishes, and get up for work at 4:30AM.  LET'S DO IT AGAIN!"

 73, Art K3KU

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