[CQ-Contest] Whither not just Africa

Mark Sullivan markzl3ab at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 01:52:58 EST 2013

Ifthey can bring one hop propagation to NA and EU with them then I will 
put a good word in with NZ immigration Robert.:-)

If they can't then before they leave they will needto make sure they 
have a good network of people back home to spot themduring contests.


On 5/11/2013 9:17 a.m., Robert Chudek - K0RC wrote:
> no! No! NO! Mark... you just need to create a desirable resettlement 
> policy that will entice the world's contesters to move to your 
> country(s)! Maybe give away parcels of land for free if the contester 
> agrees to build a station and 'homestead' that property for 5 years or 
> more. Kind of like what brought those hoards of Europeans over to 
> North America 150 years ago!
> </homour>
> 73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 11/3/2013 6:47 PM, Mark wrote:
>> The comments made about stations not listening for Africa can be equally
>> applied to VK/ZL. It makes for a very frustrating experience when you can
>> hear a lot of stations who clearly cannot hear you, generally because they
>> are not beaming your way.  In a similar vein because so many stations do
>> not listen anymore we are extremely reliant on cluster spots to start and
>> keep runs going.
>> I know with the CQ WW points system running is king and there is little
>> incentive to regularly beam away from your nearest big 3 point continent,
>> (I say regularly as I know you must make at least one effort to work a
>> station in each zone/country), but it would be nice if more stations
>> remembered from time to time that the contest is not just about NA and EU
>> working each other.
>> Although I am merely stating what in my experience is a fact of life, I
>> have donned my flameproof jacket in contemplation of the "just harden up"
>> "move to New England" and "build a bridge" emails this will undoubtedly
>> generate :-)
>> 73
>> Mark ZL3AB
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Member of ZL3X The Quake Contesters

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