[CQ-Contest] CQ WPX rules, it finally happened

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at gmail.com
Sat Feb 1 15:22:14 EST 2014

IMHO frequency of IDind is used as a tool for pileup control. To force 
everybody to ID every QSO will take this tool away from running stations 
Then low power/simple antenna stations will find themselfs at disadvantage, 
It will take them much longer and bring much more frustration to squeeze 
through the never ending pileup.
To require ID after every QSO will not warrant level playing field for 
everyone. Just opposite. Compair time required to send CT9/RU9CZD and P3A.
There might be a requirement in the rules to ID every 2 or 3 minutes though, 
but that is what majority of participants do anayway when they are 
interested in their final score.

73, Igor UA9CDC

>> And why not put in the rules to id after every contact.  Would it bring 
>> the
>> number of QSO's down.
>> It probably will, but then the odds would be even for all.
> Id after every contact does level the playing field for everyone in the 
> competition. IMHO I think this would be a good rule.
> The argument that less QSO's would result is not necessarily true. 
> Looking at Valery R5GA's record rates website.
> http://rate.r5ga.com/
> There are a few well known single ops in the top ten that I'd after every 
> contact. In fact a few had the best rate some years in certain contests.
> 73 Mike N2GC

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