[CQ-Contest] IDing

Larry lknain at nc.rr.com
Tue Feb 4 08:10:25 EST 2014

Personally I send my call after every QSO. But a busted cluster spot is 
obviously more correct than what you or I are sending. Even if I think a 
spot is correct I will still listen (but usually not for long) for the other 
station's ID as there are many busted spots.

73, Larry  W6NWS
-----Original Message----- 
From: Ken Widelitz
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 6:50 PM
To: n2ic at arrl.net ; cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] IDing

Hi Steve,

Implicit in your response is the recognition that there is a trade-off
between wasting the time of those who know your call and are already in the
pile-up, and those who are listening for your call to see if they want to
join your pile-up. I think it is fair to favor those who have already called
in the pile-up.

Also, in my experience, I ID more frequently on Sunday since the pile-ups
are not as intense as on the first day of the contest. The only time I
notice a lot of dupes is when a spot for me is busted. I sometimes make a
note of the time and check for likely busts of my call after the contest -
usually UY2TT, and more often than not, that is what I find caused the
dupes, not a lack of IDing. When I suspect a spot has my call busted (2 or 3
dupes in a minute,) even with a big pile-up, I'll ID a few QSOs in a row.

In any event, I'm glad I'm not on your lack of IDing bad offender list:)

73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT

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