[CQ-Contest] No more Unassisted in ARRL VHF Contests?

dave at g4buo.com dave at g4buo.com
Sun Nov 16 14:36:44 EST 2014

So Doug, by the same logic do you believe ARRL and perhaps other contest
sponsors should remove the distinction between single and multi-op since
it is hard for the checkers to tell the difference?

Maybe some "SOAB" entrants already have several people in the shack
helping them find and work mults. So logically, ARRL will have to remove
the distinction between single and multi op because it is hard to police.

Dave G4BUO

KR2Q Wrote:
> ..... But from a practical perspective (perspective of log
> checking), there is good reason to remove the separation.  I mean, why
> have separate categories if the log checkers can't actually verify those
> using assistance in a subtle manner, but in a way that can really impact
> their final score?
> This is my 2 cents and certainly is not a known reflection of what the
> contest sponsors may be thinking (but which at least one has clearly been
> surveying).
> de Doug KR2Q

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