[CQ-Contest] Preview of CQWW Rules 2015

Oliver Dröse droese at necg.de
Thu May 21 14:08:46 EDT 2015

 >>> One further step would be for the Logging Software to digitally 
sign the log (the QSO part, not the Header) to ensure it is not manually 
edited afterward. This will need some slight (retro-compatible) 
modification to the Cabrillo format and collaboration with software 
writers (to exchange the sets of signing keys), however it will greatly 
reduce the possibility of log padding and editing. <<<<


while I get what you intent how shall that really work? The Cabrillo is 
generated from your logging software. So instead of editing the Cabrillo 
what should hinder people to edit in the logger before generating the 
Cabrillo? Now you could request that the loggers don't accept editing of 
a log after the contest is over. Well, resetting the computer's clock 
will brick that solution, too. ;-)

Maybe too much programming/software requests for the few guys that are a 
problem. If people want to get around it they will find a way to do it. 
The problem is the mindsets, not the technique ...

Vy 73, Olli - DH8BQA

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