[CQ-Contest] VY1AAA @ VY1JA will be QRV for CW SS...

WW3S ww3s at zoominternet.net
Thu Nov 5 17:32:48 EST 2015

but it IS radio !!!! I have a cable for my headphones and keyer, both about 4 ft long.....so I’m sitting in the shack, at the radio, with headphones on, operating the keyer.......now, imagine that I add 35 ft to those cables, and I’m sitting on the commode, still operating....it’s still radio, right ????/ Now, imagine I add 1200 miles of cable to my headphones and key, I’m STILL OPERATING RADIO !!!!!!!

> On 11/5/2015 5:54:49 AM, Mike Reublin NF4L (nf4l at comcast.net) wrote:
> > Well said, Paul. The key word is, as you say, radio.
> 73, Mike NF4L
> > On Nov 3, 2015, at 12:24 PM, Paul O'Kane <pokane at ei5di.com> wrote:
> > 
> > On 02/11/2015 19:06, Gerry Hull wrote:
> > 
> >> Thanks to a lot of work from J and the remote team, Hal, W1NN, will operate
> >> SOHP in November SS via remote from his home in Ohio.
> > 
> > The fact that something can be done does not
> > necessarily mean there is merit in doing it.
> > And the fact that something is being done by
> > radio amateurs does not necessarily mean it is
> > amateur radio.
> > 
> > W1NN, "operating" from his home in Ohio, will be no
> > different to the millions of people networked by a
> > commercial communications utility at that time, and
> > fully dependent on it all at times.
> > 
> > In SS, W1NN will communicate with other people who
> > are radio amateurs.  In his case, however, the
> > signal path between W1NN and anyone he works will
> > be from Ohio to the Yukon to wherever.
> > 
> > The portion of the signal path from Ohio to the
> > Yukon is internet-hosted, and the complete signal
> > path is a composite of internet and amateur-band

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