[CQ-Contest] CQWW survey RE: N6TJ comments

kr2q at optimum.net kr2q at optimum.net
Sat Sep 5 09:04:45 EDT 2015

RE: N6TJ post: 

"QUESTION:  Will the Committee Leadership continue to conduct this survey 
until it gets the answer it wants??  If that's reality, that's fine.  Just 
share with us all that it's the Committee's goal.  Thank you."
[end snip]

I know Jim loves to "stir the pot."

But just in case any readers of this reflector don't know, this is the 2nd such survey, and
on the previous version, at least one question demonstrates that the "Committee Leadership"
does not appear to be bound to survey results.

Look at the prior survey and results:

Check out Q7 on page 46:
The CQ WW gives a penalty of 3x QSO points for a call sign error or a Not in Log. 
This penalty is...
[end snip]

32.7% of the respondents said it was "too high."  Just under 1/3!  Yet, for the next
CQWW, the penalty was reduced.

Knowing (or checking) historical records is a good thing!

I feel that surveying the contest community is a good thing.  It will be good to see
what "trends" (if any) can be discovered.  Of course, using just 2 data points
(2 surveys) does not assure much statistical validity to demonstrate a "trend."


Nevertheless, I feel it will be fun to see what the community says.

de Doug KR2Q

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