[CQ-Contest] Additional Penalty

Dale Putnam daleputnam at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 14 09:16:21 EDT 2016

And this.. specifically, as Ken points out so well, is why.. the single most extravagant reason why.. we don't have new contestants repeating appearances, and why.. some of the long term contestants aren't showing up any more...   
Why.. should I spend many hours in the chair.. optimize my station, and jump into a contest.. only to be ignored, over and over.. by the same station, that in other than a contest situation hears me just fine???  and no.. don't go getting all propagational either... that won't wash. .. unless you can prove one way propagation across the country, consistently, for a 6 to 8 hour period, over a two day span.
  Yes.. it hurts..   but to get to the heart of the issue.. playing the rules to improve  scores.. ultimately hurts us all worse. 

Have a great day,
--... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy


It would seem that the additional penalty rule hurts the LP/QRP folks the most: they are more likely to have marginal signals. If I have trouble copying I’m more likely to declare NIL (or worse, not respond in the first place) if I know that busting the Q would result in additional penalties.  If I’m just going to lose the Q then it’s worth taking the chance.

Ken K6MR

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