[CQ-Contest] Absurd Rule in NAQP

Gerry Hull gerry at yccc.org
Mon Jan 18 21:02:57 EST 2016

Thanks for that QSO, by the way, Tom!

I made one, exactly one, QSO from VY1AAA in Phone NAQP.   That's the
consequence of "Boy and his radio" when people do not S&P.  So, I found the
Football games more interesting, and stayed off the radio.  I could call
till I'm blue in the face and no one would come back.   I thought about
using the KW and submitting a check log -- for about 10 seconds.

W2FU must of been Multi-two in NAQP CW, because 10 seconds after I called
CQ on any band, they were there.  The RBN is very efficient -- and is
another tool for those who like it. I like it in a lot of contests.

When you are weak, and people don't point antennas, then spotting makes the
game more interesting.

I would not have a problem with SOA in NAQP... but I'm probably not in the

I had more fun running a couple hundred Eu guys in the HA contest on CW
from the east coast Saturday morning than in NAQP Phone.  That's just my


Gerry W1VE
aka VY1AAA sometimes

On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 12:37 PM, Tom Osborne <w7why at frontier.com> wrote:

> I have to agree with Tom.
> During the NAQP CW, I came across VY1AAA calling CQ with hardly any
> callers.  Got him on the first call.
> Sure different from contests using the RBN where there would have been a
> massive pileup and my chances
> of getting him would have been slim to none.
> The NAQP was created to be a low power, no spotting contest.  That is it's
> flavor and we should keep it that
> way. Wish they were all like that :-)   73
> Tom W7WHY
>>  Tom Haavisto wrote:
>>     I enjoy operating without having to deal with the cluster fed
>>     pileups.  One
>>     can run with minimal pileups.  One can S&P without having to duke
>>     it out
>>     with 50 other stations who just clicked on a spot the moment a
>>     station was
>>     spotted.
>>     This is the flavour of the contest - lets leave it the way it is!
>>     Tom - VE3CX
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