[CQ-Contest] Contest simulation using RBN archives

Jukka Klemola jpklemola at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 12:17:36 EDT 2016

Depends what you want to do.

RBN data is one source.
Mirroring that with solar data takes you further.

The CQ contest logs are public and you can run a next level simulation with
stations that really were on the bands during a contest.

Many logs show accurate frequencies, so you can estimate pretty well who
would answer your CQ if you would place yourself on a frequency with a
setup of equipment at a location in a contest ..

You are probably getting close to the feature set we saw in 1980's, a C64
game Doctor DX.
With Doctor DX you could set SFI and K indexes if I recall right. Band
conditions were reflected with sunrise / set phenomena.
It was an awesome game to play.

Maybe you target in something like that, with today's computers.

Jukka OH6LI

2016-06-20 15:53 GMT+03:00 Dez Watson <g3ww.dez at gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> There are tools out there to analyse archived RBN data, ViewProp is one
> such program which springs to mind.
> This is great for analysing propagation and planning contest strategies
> using real data.
> What I'd really like to do is use RBN archived data to simulate a telnet
> feed into my contest logger's bandmap.
> In essence, I want to simulate a contest using archived data to
> experiment  with band changes and alternative
> strategies, retrospectively.
> The RBN raw data is in the .csv format so I'm well aware I can view the
> data in say Excel or Access so could do
> this manually but really want to simulate an archived RBN feed to my
> logger's bandmap.
> Any thoughts or suggestions?!
> 73
> Dez, G3WW / M6W
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