[CQ-Contest] Contest simulation using RBN archives

Matt Murphy matt at nq6n.com
Mon Jun 20 19:36:48 EDT 2016

I've been wanting to build something like this.  I'd been thinking of a
simulator that utilized VOCAP data to convolve a sine wave so that it
sounded like it had been transmitted from some distant (virtual) lat/long,
with appropriate amplitude, flutter, noise, etc.

It would be interesting to create models of atmospheric noise, etc. and
test how similar it seemed to actual conditions.

I hadn't thought of plugging in RBN historical data to populate the
simulation with realistic data.  That is an intriguing idea!

Matt NQ6N

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 11:17 AM, Jukka Klemola <jpklemola at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dez,
> Depends what you want to do.
> RBN data is one source.
> Mirroring that with solar data takes you further.
> The CQ contest logs are public and you can run a next level simulation with
> stations that really were on the bands during a contest.
> Many logs show accurate frequencies, so you can estimate pretty well who
> would answer your CQ if you would place yourself on a frequency with a
> setup of equipment at a location in a contest ..
> You are probably getting close to the feature set we saw in 1980's, a C64
> game Doctor DX.
> With Doctor DX you could set SFI and K indexes if I recall right. Band
> conditions were reflected with sunrise / set phenomena.
> It was an awesome game to play.
> Maybe you target in something like that, with today's computers.
> 73,
> Jukka OH6LI
> 2016-06-20 15:53 GMT+03:00 Dez Watson <g3ww.dez at gmail.com>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > There are tools out there to analyse archived RBN data, ViewProp is one
> > such program which springs to mind.
> >
> > This is great for analysing propagation and planning contest strategies
> > using real data.
> >
> > What I'd really like to do is use RBN archived data to simulate a telnet
> > feed into my contest logger's bandmap.
> >
> > In essence, I want to simulate a contest using archived data to
> > experiment  with band changes and alternative
> >
> > strategies, retrospectively.
> >
> > The RBN raw data is in the .csv format so I'm well aware I can view the
> > data in say Excel or Access so could do
> >
> > this manually but really want to simulate an archived RBN feed to my
> > logger's bandmap.
> >
> >
> > Any thoughts or suggestions?!
> >
> >
> > 73
> >
> > Dez, G3WW / M6W
> >
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