[CQ-Contest] RDXC Entry Reclassified to High Power

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 17:13:44 EDT 2016

This is a relatively recent change in the RDXC adjudication.

RDXC was a major qualifying contest for WRTC-2010. Southwest New Mexico, 
at the bottom of the sunspot cycle, was a terrible place to try to work 
the Europe-centric RDXC. The only way to come up with a big score was to 
spend most of the daytime hours on 20 SSB, in the general class band, 
working many, many random, "not in the contest" folks. Of course, none 
of them sent in their log. In the log checking, I did not lose any QSO's 
working these folks. They made up over 50% of my total QSO's, and I 
greatly appreciate them.

Steve, N2IC

On 10/06/2016 11:48 AM, Michael Adams wrote:
> I was wondering something similar.
> I popped in and out of the RDXC a bit this year, just playing a little in between tasks that weekend, and trying out the feel of remote-control contesting.  I didn't even record the exchange information, much less submit a log.
> Did my "very casual" participation cost actual competitors Qs?
> I get that there's an incentive for some contest judges to discourage folks from even thinking about padding their logs.  But if there's going to be a penalty, even if just a simple loss of a Q, because someone didn't send in a log, that fact really needs to be advertised around the time of the contest.

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