[CQ-Contest] Rules Question M2 CQ WW

Tom Haavisto kamham69 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 12:58:12 EDT 2016

I did an M2 at NQ4I a couple of years ago.  We had two radios per band, and
a total of six radios.  Two radios per band interlocked - only one could
transmit at a time (hardware interlock).  One run radio, one mult radio.

When we did a band change - say "radio 1" was going from 10 to 20 meters.
We would stop TX on 10 meters, designate 20 meters as "radio 1", and away
we went with a different pair of radios.  That was one band change.

With M2, you are assisted - allowed to look at the cluster.  We could line
up 20 meter mults, ready to go when TX moved to 20.  Once we worked a bunch
of mults of 20, we could then move back to 10 meters (ie radio 1), and this
counted as band change # 2 for radio 1.

This activity was independent of what "radio 2" was doing.

The TX must be identified in the Cabrillo log file - radio 1 or radio 2.
Logging software takes care of this.

Does this help?

Tom - VE3CX

On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 11:40 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu at w0mu.com> wrote:

> I would like some clarification on the Multi 2 transmitter rule.
> From the CQ WW Rules Website:
> *2. Two Transmitters (MULTI-TWO):* A maximum of two transmitted signals on
> two different bands may be used at any time.
> The log must indicate which transmitter made each QSO.
> Each transmitter may make a maximum of 8 band changes in any clock hour
> (00 through 59 minutes).
> Total output power must not exceed *1500 watts* on any band at any time.
> Line one says Two transmitters.  Does this really mean just two
> transmitters per the contest period?  Rig 1 and Rig 2 and you can have as
> many receivers as you want and operators but all contacts need to be made
> using rig 1 and rig 2?
> W0MU
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