[CQ-Contest] Contesting from HOA neighborhoods -- Pro and Con on the Amateur Radio Parity Act

Dave Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Thu Aug 17 11:44:47 EDT 2017

The document I saw many years ago that financials institutions all use to require to get funding for subdivisions do restrict towers and antennas.  Once in place these rules are beyond the reach of local Governments as private  restrictions.  Few ever read the restrictions much less sign on to them. HOA's use the restrictions to enforce conformity and can even slap on fines, force tower/antenna removable and even in extreme cases can foreclose
on a homeowner who refuses to cooperate. Most CC&R's expire if there is not a HOA in place at the end of say 9 years to renew the restrictions. Most courts do not allow CC&R's be reinstated after expiration. A big subdivision near me has a HOA but the CC&R's  have expired so several hams do have or had towers in the past.  

I agree there is no study that shows amateur radio towers cause home valuations to drop. This is a myth that many real estate people use to help sell the CC&R's. Even the Senior Georgia Senator told me years ago that he does not support any law to override the tower restrictions. He told me that towers do lessen home values.

73 Dave K4JRB  

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