[CQ-Contest] cq self spot

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Feb 28 12:56:29 EST 2017


It's also unfair for NA and EU operators to travel to locations where 
nearly every QSO counts more points than if they stayed at home. EA8, 
CU, and the SA Caribbean islands are examples. And it's unfair that 
stations far from the Atlantic basin are at a huge disadvantage in DX 

Both of these conditions are the result of badly outdated contest rules. 
Those rules, formulated when scores had to be computed with a pencil and 
paper, give the geographical advantages. If we can modernize contesting 
with computer logging and computer automation, why can't we modernize 
contesting with rules that allow hams all over the world to at least be 
in the same contest?

73, Jim K9YC

On Tue,2/28/2017 1:29 AM, Juan Hidalgo EA8RM wrote:
> Stations from rare locations will be spotted every 10 minutes and other from the same zone will be not spotted never ever :((. That's what i feel like unfair

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