[CQ-Contest] SO2R rigs

Marty Sullaway marty.sullaway at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 10:09:06 EDT 2017

Marty Sullaway
Hi Luis,

Marty, KC1CWF here.

Let me start by saying that I have used both of them in fairly serious
contest environments. I used a TS-590S in ARRL DX SSB 2015, and have used a
pair of IC-7300s in CQ WW SSB 2017, NAQP SSB 2017, WPX SSB 2017 (1 radio),
Field Day 201y (1 Radio), in plenty of Phone Freys, etc. Anyway, I have a
good sense of both of the radios, and know them each pretty much inside and
out. I personally prefer the IC-7300 over the TS-590S. The ergonomics are
certainly more friendly,  and the RX is certainly better (Sherwood agrees
here), one can't forget the touch screen either. I find it quite easy and
fun to use, and I have really not had any big issues to note: A few things
I really should point out. The TS-590S has native RX antenna input. This is
certainly a plus for that radio, although DX Engineering sells an external
relay box to fix this issue, and there are now plug in modules available
for ~30 dollars to fix this issue, it is something to be noted. Some people
have complained about the IC-7300's issues handling strong signals, I have
yet to see that issue, often times doing SO2R on city lots with 1.5kw and
big antennas. All and all I think the IC-7300 (SDR), is the best bang of
for the buck,

Cue Debate!


On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 12:19 AM, Fco. Luis Delgadillo <xe2b at outlook.com>

> Hello
> I'm in the process of planning my SO2R low power station. Due to budgetary
> and practical reasons, I'm considering purchasing two rigs:
> IC-7300
> or
> TS590SG
> I know that these might start a religious debate,  but I would like to
> know pros/cons,  particularly  from fellow contesters who have hands-on
> experience with either one, particularly under heavy pile-ups.
> Current rig is an FT1000MP,  with all the optional filters on the main VFO.
> I do CW, RTTY and SSB
> I have already the two sets of passband filters.
> I appreciate your feedback
> Regards
> Luis XE2B
> Enviado desde mi Huawei de Telcel
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