[CQ-Contest] CQ 160m contest-vs-DXCC rule problem

Yuri ve3dz at rigexpert.net
Tue Feb 4 20:55:52 EST 2020

On 2/3/2020 6:48 AM, cosson-dimitri wrote:
> <<<Same way as how ARRL nowadays recognizes "automated" FT8 QSO's?:-)

>This statement is seriously flawed -- it is equivalent to saying that because it is well known that SOME contesters >cheat on power that ALL contesters cheat on power. I'm a long time member of NCCC, and in 14 years, suspect only >one contester and another DXer of having done so.


>73, Jim K9YC

Then why do we have a referee at each WRTC team location? We all know there are top notch - best of the best - contesters.
Do we suspect some of them (or all) may cheat?

73, Yuri  VE3DZ

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