[CQ-Contest] Rules - 66th Annual Poisson d'Avril Contest
Doug Grant
dougk1dg at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 13:17:28 EDT 2020
This year’s rules have been adjusted to accommodate the coronavirus
II. Contest. Period.
0000 - 2359Z April 1, 2020 (those over 60 years of age - oh, wait…that’s
almost all of us - may start one hour earlier to prevent exposure to
virus-carrying young lids). You may take an off-time to watch the daily
coronavirus briefing but only if Doctors Fauci and/or Birx are speaking.
Off-times to wash your hands must be at least 20 seconds long.
You may also take time off to operate the CWT-mini-contests since the Pd’A
falls on a Wednesday this year. They’re only an hour long and they are on
CW, which is a Good Thing. Bonus points if you work K1DG in lieu of sending
a card.
All bands, all modes. FT8 and FT4 losing their appeal? How about FT2? Or go
the other way, maybe all the way to FT101! NC0B says it has a pretty good
receiver (the new “D” version, not the old “E” and “EE” versions from the
In keeping with social distancing guidelines, all stations must be spaced
at least 6 kHz apart (600 Hz on CW) and no more than 10 stations may answer
a CQing station.
If someone tries to take over your frequency, send his call to Pd'A HQ. We
will take care of the problem. We know a guy.
A. Traditional
The Traditional category is based on the legacy operating modes and
sub-categories of single-op, multi-single, multi-2, and multi-multi, using
human operators operating conventional radios on the amateur bands, and
stations consisting of equipment and antennas located within a 500-meter
(1640.42 feet) radius.
Single-op stations must enter as SO2R, and must use exactly two radios. The
counting of the radios shall be two, and two shall be the counting of the
radios. Three radios shalt thou not use. Four is right out. OK...mutants
like KL9A and N6MJ can use 4...two on CW and two on SSB, Now there's a
Use one callsign at one station for the period of the contest. Period.
Operators at multi-op stations must wear masks and full PPE, sit least 6
feet apart and not share microphones, headsets, keyboards, paddles or
anything else unless they are remote, in which case they must also wear
masks and PPE and provide real-time video streaming to prove compliance
B. Epic Overlay
You may enter this new category if you believe that your operation will be
truly astounding, a game-changer, head-turner, new paradigm, or potentially
C. Classy Overlay
Operators entering this category must be polite at all times. Say please if
you need a repeat on an exchange, for example, and thank-you for every QSO.
And give up your frequency if someone asks nicely.
You may also say “please copy”, but never ever say it in a real contest.
Classy operators are expected to be well-groomed and properly attired
(jacket and tie for gentlemen, knee-length dresses and tasteful jewelry for
the ladies). Correct posture and etiquette are essential.
D. Part-time
We understand that sheltering-in-place requires that you get caught up on
all those little projects around the house you’ve been putting off for
like, forever. This may limit your operating time. No problem. You may
submit a projected score by dividing your score by the number of hours
operated, then multiplying by 24. Oh, wait. That means if you operate zero
hours, your score is infinite. Hmmm. Maybe this is not such a good idea.
It’s just the hydroxychloroquine talking.
E. Anything goes
Use multiple operators at multiple locations using multiple stations.
Live-stream, call CQ on Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitch, Skype, Zoom, QSOGet,
or any other social media channel (we made up “QSOGet”, so don’t go
looking for it - but if you create such a thing, contact us for
name-licensing terms).
Signal reports must be 59 or 599 and serial number (which must be 42, since
that is the answer to life, the universe, and everything). On FT4/8, a QSO
is complete if you call the other station, even if he does not answer.
After all, you already know his grid square and you sent yours, so that
ought to be enough. If he didn’t copy it, it’s his problem, right? (That
grinding sound you hear is W0YK gnashing his teeth.)
You may choose what to count as multipliers...countries, counties, zones,
planets, states of matter, prefixes, suffixes, we don't care. Total
multipliers should not exceed the number of QSOs - it messes with the
log-checking software. Make the job hard for the log checkers and we take
no responsibility for the consequences. Could get ugly. They know a guy.
If you test positive for coronavirus exposure, please self-quarantine for
14 days so you don’t become a virus multiplier.
There is no point. Only a counterpoint. Or is it a counterpoise? And if so,
is it folded? My head hurts...or is it Hertz? But no fever or dry cough so
I guess we’re good.
All stations: the final score is the result of the total QSO points
multiplied by the multipliers times the Pd'A Correction factor (0 for all
stations, 42 for K1DG).
The overall winner in each category will get an 8-pack of Charmin toilet
paper (nothing but the best!), one N95 face mask, and a bottle of hand
Not this year. Sorry.
We insist that logs be submitted electronically somewhere. Postings to
CQ-Contest, 3830, or any other reflector count as log submissions. Post
your score somewhere, we'll find it. Really. We have nothing better to do
than chase your important log now that we are in self-quarantine. And make
sure you scan your log for viruses when you upload it. If you have to send
a paper log, please sanitize the log first.
Failure to observe the guidelines on social distancing, self-quarantine,
and avoiding large groups will be grounds for disqualification. Same for
hoarding toilet paper and hand-sanitizer. Actions and decisions of the
Poisson d'Avril Contest Committee are arbitrary and unlikely. And we know a
The Committee's favorite Dead line is "Too much of everything is just
enough", from the song "I Need a Miracle". And if you've spent the time to
read this far, it's a miracle.
All joking aside – this coronavirus thing is serious. Take care of
yourselves so we can work each other many more times. Stay home, wash your
hands, and thank the medical professionals, grocery-store workers, package
deliverers, and other essential personnel keeping things going while
putting themselves at risk.
73 and stay safe,
Doug K1DG
p.s. A tip of the Pd'A Beret to N0AX for a few rule suggestions. The roll
of two-ply is on the way.
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