[CQ-Contest] CQM Adjudication

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Mon May 11 10:19:55 EDT 2020

On 11/05/2020 12:38, Shelby K4WW wrote:
> "Judging is carried out only on the received LOGs = if a participant
> doesn’t submit the log, then other participants will have no QSO point nor
> multiplier point credits for the QSOs with him!"
> As this was a "first time ever" to actually participate, not just make a
> few contacts, I find the unique approach toward scoring, indefensible?

Contest sponsors are entitled to define whatever rules they choose.  
This one is an incentive for casual operators to submit a log, as 
otherwise they are wasting other entrants' time.  Who would want to do 
that?  :-)

Paul EI5DI

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