version 9

Chad Kurszewski
Wed, 25 May 94 07:43:21 PDT

"Ken Wolff" <k1ea!> writes:

> The installer has a bug in it. If you install by logging onto the A: drive,
> then type INSTALL, it fails. If you logon to the C: drive, then type
> A:INSTALL, it works. This is a third party installer, and they don't have
> a clue as to why this happens.
> -- 
> Ken Wolff K1EA

I have installed CT v9 on two of KS9K's PCs.  Both times, it worked 
perfectly (!) when logged onto the A: drive.  (The only problem was I was 
going too fast and overwrote files in the CT (old ver) directory..oh 

Chad   WE9V

-- (Chad Kurszewski)
The Tech BBS (408) 279-7199 San Jose, CA