765 bugs
Mon, 31 Oct 94 10:56:35 EST
Curious to know if anyone experienced the same bugs I did with
CT 9.13 and IC-765. With the 765 and CT 9.13 I found it would
sit there for several seconds to get freq. info. After a few Q's
with this glitch I dug up 9.12 and proceeded with it. It too would
hang sometimes and I would briefly see the old "ICOM radio
timeout" message from time to time but it seemed less severe than
with version 9.13. Did anyone experience anything like that on their
765 over the weekend?
73 de Walt Kornienko - K2WK Internet: waltk@pica.army.mil
DX PacketCluster: K2WK > W3MM Packet: K2WK@N2ERH.NJ.USA.NOAM