[ct-user] CT generated dupesheet

K8KFJ K8KFJ <K8KFJ@aol.com>
Wed, 17 Dec 1997 12:45:02 EST

Does anyone know a way of converting the 132 character long lines
in CT's generated dupesheet to a more standard format?  This file
does not view or print correctly in the current format (compressed
mode control codes??).  
However, I am told that these are acceptable to some of the various
Contest Committees.  (Some of the Committees do require a dupe-
sheet be sent in if 200 or more QSOs are made).  I would like to have
the ability to print the file for future viewing if some type of conversion
could be done.

Any comments or help appreciated...thanks.

73 //Garie  *K8KFJ*       <k8kfj@aol.com>

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