[ct-user] 8 Port Digi Board and CT

David Robbins David Robbins <k1ttt@berkshire.net>
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 21:26:41 +0000

load digi.exe instead of any other driver you may have for the
card.  then start ct with the -digi switch.  all 8 com port 
selections then go out the digiboard.  unfortunately i don't 
think you can use normal com1/com2 type ports or the nettsr at
the same time as the digiboard, but i haven't had my old digiboard 
in since i set up the network.

Dan Szymanski wrote:
> I came up with a eight port digi board.  PC/X series.  Uses a fossil
> driver that loads from autoexec.bat file.  Machine I am using is a
> Native DOS 6.22 only unit no WINDOZE installed at all. Machine is
> 486DX2-66, 16 MB RAM.  This machines primary use is to run CT for
> contests.  Also I have K1TTT's NETTSR loaded and running networked on a
> Intel NIC card to other native DOS only units.
> Other DOS comm programs like Telix and Timeset have been successfully
> reconfigured using a port on the Digi board for modem.
> Since it is rather poorly detailed, can anyone provide some guidance as
> to other than loading the DIGI.EXE TSR and using the command switch
> -digi within CT.exe  what it takes to get this combination flying with
> the com ports? Ports I would to use include TNC, Radio1 and Rotor1.
> --
> Thanks in advance for your assistance.
> Regards,
> Dan Szymanski
> Frederick, MD
> Potomac Valley Radio Club
> National Capital DX Association
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Dan@erols <daniel.szymanski@erols.com>
>   Dan@erols
>     <daniel.szymanski@erols.com>
>     Netscape Conference Address
>     Netscape Conference DLS Server
>   Additional Information:
>   Last Name
>   First Name  Dan@erols
>   Version     2.1

David Robbins K1TTT (ex KY1H)
k1ttt@berkshire.net   or   robbins@berkshire.net

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