[ct-user] CT938 Beta Tests

Ken Wolff Ken Wolff" <K1EA@contesting.com
Fri, 1 Jan 1999 19:57:46 -0500

Shift F1 should start the record using the W9XT card. Dunno about repeat
mode with W9XT. CT just sends the stop command on an ESC key. I have slowed
down the poll rate to every three seconds on Yaesu radios. That may make the
stuttering less objectionable. This change went to CTVAULT today.

I need someone with an FT920 to check it out for me.

Thanks - Ken

Ken Wolff  K1EA

-----Original Message-----
From:	owner-ct-user@contesting.com [mailto:owner-ct-user@contesting.com] On
Behalf Of K2YR@aol.com
Sent:	Friday, January 01, 1999 7:46 PM
To:	ct-user@contesting.com; k2ea@contesting.com
Subject:	[ct-user] CT938 Beta Tests

Happy New Year all!
I have been playing with 9.38 Beta, downloaded from the Vault, and here is
some findings.
First, it's nice to see the addition of support for w9xt DVK card.  The
"stop sending"  works (hitting esc.), which is nice, but still doesn't work
in repeat mode.  Also,  the readme file says 9.38 Beta also can control
recording functions of the w9xt card, but doesn't say how ?  The K1EA DVP
commands do not do anything,  but that seems logical.  So, how is this done?
My BIG Problem though is an on going problem with "stuttering" CW when I'm
using the CAT interface with CT and a FT-990.  I  have mentioned this
problem before.  It doesn't matter what kind of computer, or what OS i'm
running ( DOS, Windows, ETC.) It's always there.  My hardware is fine,  I do
not have the problem when running "other" logging software.  (ie: "TR")
But, I have no desire to go to different logging program.  As far as I'm
concerned,  CT is still the best, and operator friendly.  Ken's work in the
past and  present should be commended.
CT is working better all the time for SSB, but with my FT-990,  it is not
possible to use computer interface and run CW,  therefore missing the many
advantages having CAT.
I know, Ken,  you have addressed this a little in the past, and was
wondering if FT-990 Stuttering CW was still on the "list"?
73, Carl,  K2YR

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