[ct-user] CT938 Beta Tests

w2xx@cloud9.net w2xx@cloud9.net
Sat, 02 Jan 1999 00:57:10 -0500

Ken wrote:

> I have slowed
> down the poll rate to every three seconds on Yaesu radios. That may make the
> stuttering less objectionable.

Umm, OK, but I never had a problem with my FT-1000.  SLowing down the
poll rate will only make the band-map even slower than it is now...and
it's damn near unuseable as it is.

Is there any way to set the polling rate as a user function?



J.P. Kleinhaus, W2XX  
E-mail:  w2xx@cloud9.net
SMS:	 w2xx@byedesk.com

I am Pentium of Borg...Precision is futile...You will be approximated!

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