[Hooper] DNA thing

AB4RU@aol.com AB4RU@aol.com
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 07:17:56 EDT

In a message dated 9/13/02 9:11:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
WadeGlasck@aol.com writes:

> I'd like to get a gauge of how many people are considering the project and 
> how soon you think you could start.

Hi Wade,

I just returned from Newark and read your message. I will be glad to take the 
test and provide a DNA string for Absalom's line. I think it will be 
important for others to contibute DNA from the same ancestor in order to 
verify a positive link. As you have mentioned, there are several questions 
that DNA could answer and with incredable accuracy. DNA testing could also 
help establish a link to what country the Hooper line came from prior to 
1700. This would allow more reserach to be focused in a known area of 
relation. As the price for DNA testing continues to drop and new advancements 
are made, who knows where this will lead genealogist.

The only question I have at this time, can a DNA string be established from 
hair? The reason I am asking is that one of my cousins has a lock of hair 
from a Hooper baby that was born dead back in the 1800's and has been passed 
down through the family. Others may have similar items.


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