[Hooper] DNA thing

WadeGlasck@aol.com WadeGlasck@aol.com
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 08:44:40 EDT

In a message dated 9/14/02 6:17:56 AM Central Daylight Time, AB4RU writes:

> The only question I have at this time, can a DNA string be established from 
> hair? The reason I am asking is that one of my cousins has a lock of hair 
> from a Hooper baby that was born dead back in the 1800's and has been 
> passed down through the family. Others may have similar items.

Hi Ron and group

>From what I've read the only way that hair will work is if the root is 
attached and has been well preserved.  Hair is actually dead tissue.  The 
root is living tissue and contains the DNA.
Also Ron had asked me previously if it is better if he takes the test or his 
father.  Most likely it makes no difference since both are likely to have 
identical DNA.  However mutations in the DNA can happen at any time.  It is 
probably best to have your father test since he is one generation closer to 
the ancestor and there is one less opportunity for a mutation.
Talk to you all later.  


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