[kids] Re: Trey's N5KO Kids' Day comments.

Greg Clark Greg Clark" <g.w.clark@cummins.com
Wed, 07 Jan 98 09:05:51

On Tue, 06 Jan 1998 21:21:56 -0600, dr wrote:

>You could demonstrate to the young people that 20 meters and 40 meters
>have different characteristics during the day.  

Yes, you could demonstrate the differences.....and some might think about it
and it may sink in.  But, as a father of an 8 yr old that has done the Kids
events for 3 yrs and 4 yr old that has participated twice.....I can tell you
they don't care.

They have a goal of sitting in front of all of this cool radio equipment Dad
has assembled and finally use it.  My daughter likes to talk.....she loves to
work other kids and look at a map as to where they are.  My 4 yr old....well,
he likes to turn knobs, rotate antennas, make lights blink....and he likes the
mic to play with. 

>much spacing between the recommended 14.270 and 14.300 MHz.  With 2 KHz
>spacing you can only get about 15 stations in there.

Those are suggested frequencies.  We made QSO's from 14.260 up to 14.320.  We
found kids and adults CQing and I let Alyssa answer whoever she wanted .  I
also let her CQ wherever she wanted.  

The whole idea is to get some younger ones on the radio to get exposed to
something that they may never have seen before.  It was a plus to work other
kids but we always work alot of adults too.  

Don't let the suggested frequencies bind you in a way that you can't operate. 
Find a spot and let them CQ.  They may not catch another 8 yr old but they will
certainly attract attention and get a reply for just having a "younger voice". 
Alyssa, my 8 yr old always can attract a crowd and it's fun for her to have a

Bottom-line....I hope that you had fun :)


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