[Kids] Kids Day Schedule

George Andrews gandrews at ntplx.net
Wed Jun 18 20:01:32 EDT 2003

To All,

I will be making my station available to my nephew on Kid's Day. He will be operating on the following schedule (subject to change) from FN31kj or Seymour, CT

144.210 MHz USB  1800 - 1900z 
    sched with W1AW @1830z
50.130 MHz USB 1900 - 2000z
146.58, 446.050 and 52.530 FM simplex 2000 - 2100z
Dinner time 2100 - 2200z
2200 - 2400z "rover" and operation from a hilltop on 144.210 MHz USB/146.58 FM simplex. Not confirmed that we will do this at this point. May work from house if there are any band openings : ).

George Andrews, RRPT
N1YAE FN31kj
gandrews at ntplx.net

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