[NA-User] Motherboard for Contesting

alsopb alsopb@gloryroad.net
Mon, 01 Apr 2002 16:24:40 +0000

Looks like a winner!

According to the website, this item is "temporarily out of stock"

You E-mail was must have done it! (HI)

de Brian/K3KO

k8cc wrote:
> NA Users:
> Many of the new computers today lack some of the hardware features needed
> to run the things we need for contesting.  Gone are the ISA slots of
> yesterday needed to run things like K1EA DVPs, W9XT COntest Cards and DRSI
> packet controllers.  Some new computers even omit COM ports in favor of USB
> or Firewire ports.  Well, I've not seen any amateur radio transceivers with
> USB ports yet.
> My friend KE8OC turned me on to a motherboard that has these features we
> contesters need to run our "legacy" hardware.  The mail order outfit
> TigerDirect.com in their catalog carries a motherboard with 3 ISA slots, 3
> PCI slots, on-board floppy and hard disk controllers, and slots for up to
> 512MB of RAM.  The CPU socket is a "socket 7", which means original
> Pentiums up to 233 MHz, AMD K6s up to 500 MHz and Cyrix PRs up to 366
> MHz.  While these are not the latest, modern CPUs their performance is
> excellent for running NA and most other amateur radio programs.  Also, the
> board is an AT form factor board so it will fit older cases and power
> supplies.  However, it does also have an ATX power supply connector.
> The good news is that the motherboard is quite reasonably priced.  The
> board alone is $69 or $89 with a 450 MHz AMD K6-2 processor.
> TigerDirect's order number is 800-888-4437 or www.tigerdirect.com.  The
> description is the 5EH-5 AT Super Socket 7 motherboard.
> I have no commercial interest in TigerDirect, however I thought this would
> be useful information for some of the NA users.  Motherboards with ISA
> slots are almost impossible to find any more.  Two years ago we upgraded
> eight computers in the K8CC shack with similar, but different brand
> motherboards and AMD K6-2 processors with excellent results so I thought
> I'd pass this along.
> Dave Pruett, K8CC
> DATOM Engineering
> datom@contesting.com
> http://www.datomonline.com
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