[NCC] Remote Ham Radio Club Meetings

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Jan 16 10:34:14 EST 2016

Sorry I won't be at the meetings today (but not very sorry - it's 65F & sunny here, going up to 75F later). But if we can now do Remote Contests, can we do Remote Contest Club Meetings via FaceTime?

We will have visitors this weekend, so I can't schedule any precise time, but we do plan to have dinner in, so taking out 5 or 10 minutes should not be a problem. Daylight hours are better, if I'm around, so you can try to see the K8MR/4 antenna farm. (It's not easy, which is the point).

Best to call or text me at 216-409-2958 to set things up. Tours also available at other times to those who can't attend the meeting(s).

73   -  Jim  K8MR/4

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