[RFI] CATV Problems

Hare, Ed, W1RFI Hare, Ed, W1RFI" <ehare@arrl.org
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 08:43:00 -0500

Hello, Jim,

I just touched on this in a recent post to this reflector, so I will 
summarize with the Readers Digest version.

ARRL has an info package on Cable TV.  It is a reprint of a 3-part article I 
wrote for Communications Technology, the Journal of the Society of Cable 
Television Engineers.  It is available from ARRL HQ for $2 members, $4 non 
members, to cover the printing and postage costs.  I note that you are 
member, so I will send it in today's outgoing mail.

If you still have questions after you have read it, give me a call here at 
HQ.  My direct line is 860-594-0318.  I will be out of the office on Friday 
and Monday.

73 from ARRL HQ,
Ed Hare, W1RFI

>From: tduffy
>To: rfi
>Subject: [RFI] CATV Problems
>Date: Wednesday, January 21, 1998 8:15AM
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>> X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.04 (Win16; I)
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>> I have two problems:
>> 1: my 2 meter rig gets into the cable TV  system. I can see it on my
>> own
>> TV?s and one of my neighbors has complained. The problem is worse whe
>> I
>> use my quad and about half as bad when I use my vertical antenna. I
>> only
>> come in on channels 13 and 63 (converter box channels). The picture is
>> completely wiped out when I use my quad. The sound is not affected.  I
>> know that my ground could be better as my shack is on the third floor.
>> 2:  I have a computer in the shack that is hooked up to my rig. I get
>> interference from the computer in the radio. As I tune across the
>> bands
>> I get tones that go away if I shut the computer off. The problem is
>> worse on ten meters but exists on all of the bands.
>> Thanks for any help, especially with the first one.
>> Jim   N3MVX
>Submissions:              rfi@contesting.com
>Administrative requests:  rfi-REQUEST@contesting.com
>WWW:                      http://www.contesting.com/rfi-faq.html
>Questions:                owner-rfi@contesting.com

Submissions:              rfi@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  rfi-REQUEST@contesting.com
WWW:                      http://www.contesting.com/rfi-faq.html
Questions:                owner-rfi@contesting.com