[RFI] Re: Electrical Noise RFI

tonydinkel@clubnet.net tonydinkel@clubnet.net
Sun, 23 Jan 2000 21:27:26 -0800

Dana, I did not catch the begginning of this thread but it sounds to me
like what I call "urbanitis".  I have run HF mobile for years and have just
gotten used to it.  I pass an Arco station and my radio goes 20 over 9,
same with a Mobile.  Just about any box you see on the sidewalk has a
processor running in it, including sprinkler timers and traffic light
controllers.  These should be part 15 so if they meet the specs emissions
are ok.  Noise emissions are inevitable without total shielding and
bypassing.  I have succeeded in eliminating several emi/rfi problems by
modifying the offending or offended device but it cost the client several
thousand dollars.

I am not saying you are fighting a loosing battle but I am saying you maybe
should just accept some as it is.

I would say for Irvine, you are lucky.  Very few hams due to unreasonable
antenna regs.  At least you don't have any high power stuff to worry about.
And all the Navy hi power stuff is long gone.


>RFI Folk,
>I described my electrical noise problem a few weeks back on the
>reflector - thanks for the input thus far.  My really-bad noise went

Tony Dinkel
WB6MIE, Microwave Frequency Services
PO Box 772  Lakewood, CA 90714-0772
Home - voice 562-429-3004  fax 562-425-6299  pcs 562-818-1114
Work - voice 213-251-3198  fax 213-427-7920

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