[RFI] Re: RFI digest, Vol 1 #158 - 2 msgs

Skip Cameron scameron@austin.rr.com
Sun, 06 Oct 2002 12:10:44 -0500

Also found this information on a Toronto, Ontario, Canada company at:
"The AC powerline network can be a harsh environment for data communication. To
compensate, Cogency uses orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) in
the 4.5 to 21 MHz band and a sophisticated forward error correction scheme to
provide reliable data transmission."

And this from
"Phonex Wireless Jack for Modems (Base & Extension)
$99.99 MSRP per set
Model No:  PX-441
Contents: 1 base, 1 extension, 6 foot phone cord, owners manual, warranty card
 Size: 3" x 4.25" x 2" each
Bulk Package Qty: 6 sets
Package Size: 21.75" x 5.625" x 4.3"
Master Pack:  24 units
Master Size: 22" x 11.5" x 8.875"
REN:   0.01
Audio Bandwidth: 300-3800 HZ 7.3 DB
 FM Carrier Freq: 3.3 MHZ – 8.2 MHZ"

Skip W5GAI
rfi-request@contesting.com wrote:

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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of RFI digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. PLC in the USA (Cortland Richmond)
>    2. Ford 2002, 4.6L, V8, Coil on Plug, RFI (Paul J. Pagano)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> Reply-To: ka5s@earthlink.net
> From: "Cortland Richmond" <ka5s@earthlink.net>
> To: "rfi" <rfi@contesting.com>
> Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 17:56:59 -0700
> Subject: [RFI] PLC in the USA
> Current Technologies is deploying a PLC system "that can transform an
> electric distribution network into a broadband communications platform. "
> Utilities mentioned are Pepco and Cinergy, in Maryland and Ohio
> respectively, with 100-residence, six month tests announced in June of this
> year.
> See the Current Technologies Web page at www.currentechnologies.com .
> Cortland
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> From: "Paul J. Pagano" <wa4aa@netscape.net>
> To: <rfi@contesting.com>
> Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2002 08:04:23 -0400
> Organization: Home Office Computer
> Subject: [RFI] Ford 2002, 4.6L, V8, Coil on Plug, RFI
> I've read "e-ham" postings on Ford's Coil on Plug Technology with much
> interest. I have just completed a mobile HF installation in a 2002
> Mountaineer. It has the 4.6 L, V-8 engine in it and it delivers a solid S-9
> ignition noise on whichever band I've hooked up a resonant antenna. This is
> the 3rd Ford mobile installation I've completed. The first two were Ford
> Explorers, both V-8's, (1996 and 1999) having no noticeable RFI. I've
> enjoyed hassle free mobile HF for 6 years. Hopefully I can find some help
> from the "county hunter" hams.
> I ordered 16, snap-on, split, ferrite beads from Amidon. I placed one around
> each, of two wires, located above each spark plug. It did not help at all.
> Have any of you received confirmation from other Ford Motor owners,(same
> engine and year) that this solved their RFI problems, specifically ignition
> noise?
> Ground strapping everything is my next step! I'm not sure how to go about
> grounding all the side panels and doors. The vehicle is leased and I can't
> drill any visible holes. Can anyone reference an established procedure for
> this strapping process?
> I am sharing this message with all members of the Forum; as I'm interested
> in hearing from any 2002 Ford owners who've had this problem and have
> successfully resolved their RFI issues. Thanks in advance for your useful
> comments. Please e-mail any helpful recommendations to me at: wa4aa@arrl.net
> Thanks again and again....Paul
> Paul J. Pagano
> --__--__--
> _______________________________________________
> RFI mailing list
> RFI@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/rfi
> End of RFI Digest

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