[RFI] Odd QRM at AC0X

n0tt1 at juno.com n0tt1 at juno.com
Thu May 22 14:06:38 EDT 2003

Hi Ron,

To me it sounds more like a data signal.  Note that it
sounds like it is "switching" from one state to another
over the duration of the audio clip.  Let's hope it's not
caused by some common device that has been/will be
in use by the general public!

Can you hear the noise on an AM radio that can tune to
the "aircraft band", say around 130 mhz?  (Try surveying
the neighborhood.)  Perhaps a RFI tracking radio with 
a Moxon antenna call help pinpoint the noise source.

Charlie, N0TT

On Thu, 22 May 2003 07:30:27 -0500 "Dohmen, Ron - Deltec"
<ron.dohmen at deltec.com> writes:
> One of the members of our DX club is having trouble identifying QRM 
> at his
> QTH.  Can you help identify this QRM?
> Here is a copy of an email he sent to our reflector.

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