[RFI] Fw: "homeplug" activity to establish PowerLine communication for Home use

Tom Rauch w8ji at contesting.com
Tue Jun 8 10:45:04 EDT 2004

Here we go again!!!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Grunow, Ulli" <ulli.grunow at barco.com>
To: <w8ji at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 8:30 AM
Subject: "homeplug" activity to establish PowerLine
communication for Home use

> Tom,
> I remember you as one of the very active, experienced 160m
operators, when I
> was active as PA5AT and at our clubstation PI4COM
> In the meantime I moved to Belgium and I am not active yet
after the
> relocation...
> Today I got an alarming newsletter via e-mail (as I am
working in the
> audio/visual industry)
> This newsletter tries to promote also in Europe powerLine
> (PLC) as the de-facto standard for in-house distribution
of multimedia
> signals preferrable for hometheater and digital networks
at home....
> Please check their website: www.homeplug.org
> It is a pitty to have such technology taking over, and
make radio reception
> on the AM vitually impossible.....
> Please ague against this organization and also motivate
ARRL/FCC to run a
> strong campaign against them to stop this type of
distribution strategy.
> I wanted to inform someone in the USA about their activity
in Europe
> (certainly even worldwide...)
> This technology should not be proposed to customers in
favour to any other
> technically much more advanced distribution network at
home (such as modern
> IT infrastructures or coax cabling)
> regards,
> Ulli, PA5AT

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